Mostrando postagens com marcador Thomas Tallis. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador Thomas Tallis. Mostrar todas as postagens

quarta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2014

Thomas Tallis

Missa Salve Intemerata - David Hill Winchester Cathedral Choir


 "Little is known about Tallis's early life, but there seems to be agreement that he was born in the early 16th century, toward the close of the reign of Henry VII. Little is also known about Tallis's childhood and his significance with music at that age. However, there are suggestions that he was a child of the chapel royal St. James's Palace, the same singing establishment which he later joined as a man. His first known musical appointment was in 1532, as organist of Dover Priory (now Dover College), a Benedictine priory in Kent. His career took him to London, then (probably in the autumn of 1538) to Waltham Abbey, a large Augustinian monastery in Essex which was dissolved in 1540. Tallis was paid off and also acquired a volume and preserved it; one of the treatises in it, by Leonel Power, prohibits consecutive unisons, fifths, and octaves." read more



segunda-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2014

Stile Antico - From the Imperial Court: Music for the House of Hapsburg

Stile Antico - From the Imperial Court: Music for the House of Hapsburg


Septem Sermones ad Mortuos

O Terceiro Sermão

 Os mortos aproximaram-se como névoa saída dos pântanos e gritaram: -Fala-nos mais sobre o deus supremo!
- Abraxas é o deus a quem é difícil conhecer. Seu poder é verdadeiramente supremo, porque o homem não o percebe de modo algum. O homem vê o summum bonum do sol e também o infinum malum do demônio, mas Abraxas não, porque este é a própria vida indefinível, a mãe do bem e do mal igualmente.
A vida parece menor e mais fraca do que o summum bonum, daí a dificuldade de se conceber que Abraxas possa suplantar em seu poder o sol, que representa a fonte radiante de toda a força vital... (continue lendo)

 01. Morales: Jubilate Deo
02. Crecquillon: Andreas Christi Famulus
03. Tallis: Loquebantur Variis Linguis
04. Josquin: Mille Regretz
05. Senfl: Quis Dabit Oculis
06. Gombert: Magnificat Primi Toni
07. De La Rue: Absalon Fili Mi
08. Gombert: Mille Regretz
09. Clemens Non Papa: Carole Magnus Eras
10. Lobo: Versa Est In Luctum
11. Isaac: Virgo Prudentissima
