domingo, 9 de maio de 2010

Keith Jarrett - The Köln Concert

               Keith Jarrett - The Köln Concert

   Há trinta e cinco anos, por aí,  1973 ou 74 acho,  ganhei este disco aí, do Keith Jarrett, ainda quentinho, mal saído da prensa. Vindo pelas mãos dum bom amigo direto de Köln.
   Fiquei impressionado e, com ele fiz viagens várias (com o disco).
   Não tenho ideia de onde postar este velho vinil, então, vai no Classic Rock mesmo. Aliás, essa página parece um velho baú, onde se põe de tudo...


   "Part I is part one of a masterpiece of improvisation that took place in Köln, Germany. Any description of this music that does not contain the word  inspired  is a lie. Those people who complain about Jarrett's random vocalizations can go to hell. They are as much a part of his technique as are his hands. This composition, improvisation really, engages the mind and the spirit from the first note to the last. There is not much more that you could say about it". (

  1.                                                                 Part I
  2.                                                                 Part II a
  3.                                                                 Part II b
  4.                                                                 Part II c


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